Copenhagen Landscape Lectures

AKTUELT / 06.03.23

Feuerkreis smoke. Foto: Robin Winogrond

IGNsyn inviterer til Copenhagen Landscape Lectures - en offentlig foredragsrække for alle, der interesserer sig for, hvordan vi former vores fysiske omgivelser, på tværs af byer og landskaber, uddannelse og praksis. Der afholdes foredrag den 9. og 14. marts

Inclusive spaces – a feminist approach

Public lecture by Anne Labroille

Anne Labroille is a French architect and urban planner specialized in participatory and inclusive public space development projects. She is also the Vice-President of the Ile-de-France region’s architects association and an associate lecturer at the University of Paris Nanterre. Anne has specialised in inclusive spaces and developed a methodology for examining existing spaces from an inclusivity perspective, spelled out in projects in e.g. Angers and Paris. In her Copenhagen Landscape Lecture, she will introduce her approaches, her methods and ways of working. Moreover, she will reflect on equality issues as entangled with inclusivity – also in spatial matters.

The lecture is the first event as part of a newly established collaboration between CLL and Institut français du Danemark.

An informal reception will be held after the lecture and discussion.

Tid: 9. marts 2023, kl. 16.00
Sted: Rolighedsvej 23, Frederiksberg C, Fælleshuset 1st floor, “von Langen”
Arrangementet er gratis. Der kræves ingen tilmelding.

In Search of Geographical Re-enchantment

Public lecture by Robin Winogrond, landscape architect and urban design, Zürich

Robin Winogrond will show a series of her recent projects in Switzerland and Germany, most often on the urban periphery, which increasingly focus on sussing out the poetic potential of the banality of our contemporary urban landscape. What in a place engages our imagination or leaves us cold? Using a narrative approach, the projects become testing grounds to re-enchant each specific site with the power of its own inherent qualities expressing the underestimated oddity of place that our contemporary urban landscapes contain.

Read more about the lecture

The lecture will be followed by a wine reception.

Tid: 14. marts 2023, kl. 17.00 – 18.15
Sted: Rolighedsvej 23, Frederiksberg C, Auditorium A3.24.11
Arrangementet er gratis. Der kræves ingen tilmelding.

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Plads til kystsikring – Kystsikring og Strandbeskyttelse, Nørre Lyngby / NATOUR

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